Freedom no more!!!:) It's not your typical up on hands and knees kind of crawl, but it's also more than just a little scoot- She's Moving!!! Time to pull out the pack-n-play again~ assuming I can keep Jack out of it;) All kidding aside, I am so thankful she has achieved this and many other milestones!! She's really quite amazing!! She's playing patty cake on demand, waving and saying bye-bye, starts clapping anytime she hears music, copies all kinds of movements I do with my head and hands, and still just lights up and giggles anytime Jack is around!! BUT, still not saying mama- only dada, and I still squint my eyes everytime;)!!
We couldn't resist having a little picnic outside with MeMe and PaPaw on such a beautiful day, and we thought we would give our moving girl room to go!! We just can't stay inside on days like this!!
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