Monday, June 29, 2009

Choo Choo- It's a Birthday Party!!

We had Jack's "Choo Choo" 2nd Birthday Party this weekend at Strawberry Patch Park. Everything was great and even the weather cooperated- at least it wasn't over 100 degrees:)) Jack rode the choo choo train the entire time, but I thought if that is what makes him happy, then let him ride. It's really hard to believe my baby is about to be 2 years old. His birthday is this coming Friday, on the 3rd, and I really think I'm trying to squeeze every second out of his still being one year old before he actually turns two. Everyone warns and prepares you for how fast time flies, but I really wasn't expecting it to go quite this fast!! What a fantastic blessing we have been given for the past 2 years!!! What did we ever do without him?:)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Beach Trip!!

Jack and I went to Perdido with my parents, Tiffany, Will and Tyler last week. Bryan unfortunately was not able to go, due to all of the reconstruction on our house and work of course. Even though we missed him, the beach was incredibly nice and so relaxing(at times:)) Jack had a ball!! He loved the water and just thought that having Will and Tyler to play with for an entire week was the best thing in the world. They are so good to him and he adores them!! It is always good to escape for a little while!!

Just a few sunset pics!

Jack and Papaw are two of a kind!!

The all important baby pool on the beach!

Dinner at Calypso Joe's is a great kid spot!

My very fun, cool, handsome nephews and Jack's best friends- Will and Tyler!


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Baby Girl Finally Has A Name!!

We have finally decided that her first name will be Emma, after my great-grandmother, but we are still trying to figure out her middle name. We definitely have a few options, but hopefully we'll be able to make a decision by the time she comes:) After all, I have lots of clothes in waiting to be monogrammed:)!! And even more exciting news is that we have also set a date to have the c-section- it will be August 4th, unless she decides to come on her own of course!! With our final 8 weeks fast approaching we are still busy trying to get our house ready! We are finishing out our bonus room to be able to turn our guest/office room into Jack's room, which in turn will make Jack's room the new nursery. I have everything ready- all canvases are painted, her bedding is ready, the chandelier is ready to be hung, the paint color has been chosen, etc... we are just waiting on the room to be cleared out and ready to be moved into. The goal is to have the room cleared out and ready for me to come in and just put it all together by June 20th. Anyone who knows Bryan, knows that this has all been a very delicately thought out process, while I just try to patiently sit back in the sidelines and wait. I must say that we have both done very well, considering;) However, we know nothing is more important than the health and well being of both Jack and Emma and we can't thank the Lord enough for giving us these incredible blessings.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Baseball "Big Ball" Time!!

We have taken Jack to several of Will and Tyler's baseball games lately and he has been absolutely mesmerized each time. It's all he talks about- "Big Ball". He is also really pretty good at swinging the bat. He takes the stance, hits his bat on the ground and leans into it, before he swings! Seriously, all of this from watching Will and Tyler??!! These are a few pictures of him practicing his swing:)