Freedom no more!!!:) It's not your typical up on hands and knees kind of crawl, but it's also more than just a little scoot- She's Moving!!! Time to pull out the pack-n-play again~ assuming I can keep Jack out of it;) All kidding aside, I am so thankful she has achieved this and many other milestones!! She's really quite amazing!! She's playing patty cake on demand, waving and saying bye-bye, starts clapping anytime she hears music, copies all kinds of movements I do with my head and hands, and still just lights up and giggles anytime Jack is around!! BUT, still not saying mama- only dada, and I still squint my eyes everytime;)!!
We couldn't resist having a little picnic outside with MeMe and PaPaw on such a beautiful day, and we thought we would give our moving girl room to go!! We just can't stay inside on days like this!!
We love the beautiful show that all of the flowers are putting on right now, but they sure have been giving us fits! I still couldn't resist getting pictures with some though!
I don't know who is more excited about all of Jack's Superheroes and action figures- Bryan or Jack...hmmmmm!!!
We even got to go to sweet, little John Riley's cool Superhero birthday party!! You would have thought we were going to Disney World!! Happy Birthday John Riley!!!
We had lots of celebrating this weekend!! Bryan's birthday was Saturday so we had a little party for him!! Happy, Happy Birthday!!!
Emma's birthday present to her daddy was saying "Da Da"!!! Yep, I'm with her 24/7, have supplied her every meal and what is her first word- Da Da!!!:)) But, she did start waving "bye-bye" for me:)) She's amazing!!!
We had such a wonderful Easter day surrounded by family!! I can't think of a better way to celebrate our risen Lord than being with loved ones!!
Jack's class is just so precious!! He had so much fun at their egg hunt!!