Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Santa Came!!!

We had the best time this Christmas!! Jack actually somewhat understood that Santa Clause was coming this year. He asked for a choo choo train, a superman cape and a sucker...thank goodness Santa listened!! With it being Emma's first Christmas and Jack's first real Santa experience, this year was very special for us! Here are just a few shots of Jack's favorite things this year!

This picture was actually taken before Christmas day, with Jack sporting his blankie superman cape. It's a good thing Santa brought him several superman capes so he doesn't have to use blankie anymore!!

This is one of his superman outfits- pajamas with a built-on cape!

He loves his Thomas Choo Choo!!! It has already brought hours of endless play:))

He also got a new big boy bed, which he has only taken one nap in so far!!:) It's a good thing we haven't taken his crib down yet!!


The Downings said...

So cute Shelly! Glad ya'll had a great first Christmas. We enjoyed ours with Molly too!

Emily said...
